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Established in Guangzhou in 2006, Hobbyant has established itself as a leading global e-commerce platform that directly caters to consumers. With a registered user base of over 66 million, Hobbyant offers a carefully curated selection of products that deliver exceptional value for money. Its services extend across various regions, including North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Middle East. Notably, in 2021, the Hobbyant mobile application achieved significant recognition by becoming one of the most downloaded shopping apps in Europe, as reported by App Annie, a respected platform for app analytics.
Through its strong network of over 100,000 trusted suppliers, Hobbyant has diversified its offerings, featuring an extensive range of superior-quality products. These encompass a wide spectrum of categories, spanning consumer electronics, home appliances, tools, sports equipment, and clothing, among others.
Hobbyant places a strong emphasis on enhancing customer service. As part of this commitment, the company has established a comprehensive logistics and fulfillment system, ensuring a professional and round-the-clock service for its customers.

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